Wednesday, August 26, 2009

At Last...

Finally, Nick has made it to his home away from home for the next 158 days! They got there Monday (I believe?) and when he called me earlier this morning they were still trying to get their living quarters weighted down with sand bags and get their hands on a light. Yes, in case you didn't notice, they live in tents! He and his 2 teammates are the only Air Force guys on this Marine-ran FOB. They do not have showers... have to fill big bags up with water and let them sit in the sun all day to warm the water. Somehow they rig the bag up to the JERV and take a quick shower that way... Good thing it is an all-men "base". I don't even want to think about having to handle that. And, sticking with the no running water theme, they have holes in the ground to go to the bathroom in. If they are not eating a MRE, they get (I forgot the proper abbreviation) a MRE that is basically in bulk form for everybody to share. Starts with a U... He says sometimes they get in shipments of chicken, beef patties or steak and it's a special celebration! ;) Needless to say, I am going to be sending goodies all the time! Email me if you would like his address to send supplies to. I'm sure too much is never enough over there!

Yesterday I went and got hygiene supplies... toothbrush, soap, band aids.. just anything I thought I would want when situating into a new "home". Today I'm off to the commissary to shop for snacks and microwavable items. Yes, they have a microwave! I'm going to get popcorn for sure, and then just walk the isles to see what other kind of non-perishable (no refrigerator by the way!) meals I can find.. mac & cheese...

Also, he went out on his first call last night! He enjoyed it!

As for me, I've been up to Tabitha Kathrine Spoke! My friend Nikita was induced on Monday. I went and picked her mom up for the airport and we made it back just in time to see Nikita experiencing some hard contractions before medication... She asked for an epidural and it was smooth sailing from there! Thankfully, she let me stay in the entire time! It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I don't even know how to describe it... as soon as she was born I just started crying! I love her so much! She is so little and I keep getting nervous that she's so fragile, but I am also reminded that I won't break her. Needless to say, I've only gotten the opportunity to hold her once because I'm afraid of hurting her! Once they get home *hopefully this afternoon sometime* I won't be so scared. I can sit on the couch and cuddle her!! :) I am so happy we're neighbor's... It may get to the point on Nikita saying, "Get out already!!" ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you have heard from Nick and he is settling in! James is with all Army other than his little team of AF. Don't forget to send baby-wipes ;) I'm keeping you both in my prayers. Take care!
