Monday, August 3, 2009

Time Flies...

Wow! It's already August, and Nick and I have been apart for a month now. The time passed so quickly, and for that I am thankful! Roni and the children have been keeping me so busy and I can't thank them enough! (I love having an excuse to go to the pool... and the kids are great and making that happen! hehe!) Other than spending time with them I have been focusing on getting a stronger body. July 31st was the one year mark of my commitment to exercise and eat healthy and get back the body I had when Nick and I got married. I've lost 20 of the pounds I put on since that first year of being a wife, and now my goal is to loose 10 more pounds of fat but gain it back in muscle. I am well on my way. This is the third week I've incorporated weight training into my routine and I can already tell that I am stronger! This is such a great goal to keep my mind focused while Nick is away.

Speaking of Nick, he is currently awaiting transport to go fight the big war. Oddly enough, he and I are both excited. He's excited to get over there and work and I'm excited to hear, from him, what it's like. I know that being open with each other about our emotions whether we be scared, excited, nervous, etc. is the best way to go! And I'm sure when he actually gets there I will no longer be so excited, and more scared. And he'll probably get even more excited... Nevertheless, he's going and I think we're ready individually and as a team to get through this!

I also want to express the pride I feel! I have never felt so much pride in my entire life, not even about an accomplishment of my own! I just want to get on the news and shout to the world that my husband is off to war to fight for our great American country! He is so strong, courageous, brave and intelligent! I am so deeply proud of my hero! I hope all military wives get to experience this feeling because it is truly great!

Anyway, we're down to 187 days and counting... of course it may be more or less by 7-14 days depending on when he actually arrives and the availability of space on the planes when he's headed back. At any rate, it's good to know we have one month down and out the way!

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