Thursday, December 10, 2009

Germany and other Shenanigans

This past weekend 3 of my girlfriends and I drove up to Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany for the Munich Christmas Markets. Overall, it was a blast! We did however, have our fair share of vacation worries. What should have been an easy 5 hour drive turned into 12 because of various situations like snow and a fallen boulder blocking two of the paths we tried. Thank goodness Melissa's SUV was loaded down with junk food! Oh no, we did not even stop to eat in that time period. It was all driving. Melissa did a wonderful job driving, and even got to use her 4-wheel drive. Roni and Kristina were troopers, riding in the back the whole time and I navigated and rode the front seat to avoid making the endless junk food come back up. It was a good 12 hours, really. We shared stories of our earlier years and rocked out to the good ole 90's on Melissa's MP3 player.

After finally arriving to Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, we were exhausted! We settled for some American food from a restaurant at the resort and made it to bed around midnight. Saturday we all got up and ready (in record time for 4 women, I might say) by 8:00 am and went downstairs to fetch a taxi for the train station. After an hour and a half train ride we were in Munich! The food was delicious and the markets were neat, but it was so crowded! After enjoying as much as we could and indulging in Starbucks, we headed back to base (on the wrong train I might add) and went to the local Christmas markets in Garmisch. They were wonderful. Perfect! Exactly what I had pictured in my mind when I first started planning this trip a couple months ago. We also visited a Christmas store by the name of Kathe Wohlfahrt, which specialized in hand-crafted, hand-painted ornaments and decor. They were a bit pricey, but certainly worth it with their tags of perfection hanging from each figurine. I only purchased three, and figured that was a good excuse for me to visit Germany a few more times before we leave! We ended up at the resort for dinner and enjoyed steak! Real steak! It may seem silly that we choose a steak dinner over a German restaurant, but after living in Italy for a couple years and not having an Outback at our fingertips, our mouths were watering just at the thought. It was perfect as well. Juicy and tender! I also tried the first long-island ice tea of my life. Wow, it was actually good! I don't like tea and after watching the bar-tender poor 5 different alcohols in the glass before adding a dash of something else, I was sure it would be disgusting! To my surprise, I finished off mine and Roni's! We visited the outdoor hot tub after dinner and gambled in the casino a bit. By eleven o'clock Sunday morning we were on the road. We stopped and ate at a local German place for lunch, which was fantastic! We all had soup and jagerschnitzel. We got back to Roni's house after about 6 hours. It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend getaway!

So, enough about Germany! (Which by the way, I would love to move there after this assignment!) The yoga teacher on base has an internship coming up in February and March. After a couple months of nobody volunteering to fill in her while she's gone, I shyly raised my hand! Yoga is such a special practice, and so different from my usual weight-training and spins classes. However, I have been a student in her class for about a year now, so I am going to give it a shot. Since, she has made me her 'Yoga baby', tutoring me a couple days a week to grow and learn as a Yoga instructor. I am so excited for this opportunity, as I really enjoy practicing and would love to have this experience in my back pocket. I'm actually going to attend a Yoga Fit Training in Heidelberg, Germany in May to get all certified and official! YAY for adding more training to my fitness resume!

Tomorrow I am headed up to Piancavallo with Melissa. It's a ski resort only minutes away from base. Basically, our house is situated close to the base of the mountain that the resort it on, making it so dang easy to go up and play in the snow for the day! She is going to attempt to teach me how to snowboard... I'm sure pictures will follow the experience! After I get that squared away in a few weeks or so we're going to try to tackle skiing. She is a snow bunny, so hopefully I'll learn quickly and not hold her back for too long!

I spoke with Nick a few nights ago. He was coming back to camp to resupply, then heading back into the field for days... not sure how many or details of his whereabouts, just that he is having so much fun doing his job! Please keep his life in your prayers!

Saturday is the annual CE Squadron Christmas Party at the club. I'm going! I have a dress (which is a long story in itself) and Melissa and I booked a room on base so we could have a few cocktails and not have to worry about driving home! I'm looking forward to playing dress up and getting all beautified!

Well, that is a lot going on in my life! Exactly how I like it! 52 days until Nick's 179th day in country which really just translates into 52 days + a couple weeks for him to get home! We'll be in each others arms before we know it!

Oh, by the way, I still wish I was home for Christmas! It just isn't the same when I am at my house without a tree. :(

PS: I have pictures from Germany on my Facebook account, which most of my follows probably have access to... if you don't have a Facebook, get one! It's so much easier to upload to one place rather than 4!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Holidays

Thanksgiving was wonderful! I went to Roni's and we enjoyed a feast with her family and Melissa. I was so thankful to have somebody that I love to share it with.

This deployment is hitting me hard right now! The weekend following Thanksgiving all the way up until Christmas is my most favorite time of year! I love to put Christmas music on, put up all my decorations and decorate a real tree with Nick. Well, there isn't really a point to any of it this year and it is making me feel so sad and completely alone. Today I had to put some lights in the house just to try to lift my spirits a bit... it didn't really help. I brought down a few precious decorations but it just seems plain silly to go all out in my house since I'm rarely here.

I just wanted to vent a quick little note... I am so full of sadness and though I know people are all around me I am lonely. Needless to say, when Nick is gone in the future during this time of year I will be packing up my puppies and heading home.

Monday, November 16, 2009

1/2 Marathon!

My friend, Melissa, who's husband Jon is deployed with Nick, and myself having been running for 8 weeks now. We started a 30 week training program in the hopes of racing (really, just finishing) in April. I heard about a full marathon in Paris, France today and we decided to get online and check it out. Sadly, the race in April for the full marathon was completely full already, with it's 37,000+ runners! We kept looking and came across a 1/2 marathon in March, same location. The registration fee was only €35 and we found plane tickets for ourselves and the guys (who will be back by then!!) for just around €150 round trip (all 4 of us!)... what a steal! I am so excited and giddy right now, as you can probably tell by my sentence fluency! ;) Anyway, we are so excited to compete in this race! The half-marathon seems much less intimidating than a full, so it's going to be a fantastic starting point for us. Feel free to book your tickets now to come cheer us on! ;)

Check out the race's website!

PS: I got to chat with Nick yesterday. He's in the process of transitioning from one location to another and got held up at a FOB with a Pizza Hut... what a pity. ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

EOD Safety Day and Other Events

Melissa and I

78 Days!! I remember when it was 215... time just keeps passing by! I am so thankful!

Nick is doing well, as far as I know. He's been stuck en-route at a location where they (the team) don't get the opportunity to go out on calls. They do however, have the luxury of using a facility with plumbing! YAY! He said the first time he took a shower the water ran dirty off of him for a good minute or so. N-a-s-t-y! Their location also has a laundering service and a chow hall. Must be like Heaven compared to where they came from! I am praying he will be held up there for as long as possible, selfishly. No calls=safer team.

On Veteran's Day a few other girls and myself drove up to Slovenia to go to huge mall (400+ stores). It was an easy drive, only about 2 hours and the country was so cute! Little homes nestled in the hills with smoke billowing out the chimneys... reminded me of pictures I've seen before. I was amazed at how much the scenery/landscape changed from one country to the next. Right as we were crossing into Slovenia there was a toll station. We figured it was going to cost a bit to drive on their highway, as the map we'd printed estimated a 40 Euro charge for the roads. That was okay with us... split 4 ways was only 20 Euro round trip. Well, little did we know, we were supposed to stop at a gas station in Italy before crossing over to get a vignette to stick in the windshield. We ended up having to pay a 150 Euro fine, plus 15 Euro for the cost of the sticker. It doubled the cost of what we were expecting to pay, but we learned our lesson! We still had a fabulous time, yet decided the small mall we have about 15 minutes from our house is good enough.

Yesterday was EOD Safety Day at the shop. It's an annual event where the guys cook lunch for us, let us play around in the bomb suit, blow up stuff and we get briefings from casualty affairs, mental health and the Chaplin. All the briefings are meant to inform us on how to handle a death situation since our spouse's job is so dangerous. I remember attending last year, but with Nick being gone this year it put a whole new perspective on things. It was a little difficult to sit through and my mind kept wandering off to what Nick was doing. I can't wait until he comes home. Thankfully, for all those spouses who loose a loved one, the Air Force does take very good care of widows financially. It was eerily comforting to hear.

I received my certification from AFAA in the mail on Tuesday. I was ecstatic, to say the least! I passed the examinations I took back in September and can now teach at the gym! I taught my first class Monday, prior to receiving my letter, as a volunteer for a class I regularly participate in. I am hoping to add 2 classes to the fitness schedule, paid or volunteer. I am so happy to be starting this new chapter in my life! My next goal is to pass the Personal Trainer exam next March and take everything to a whole new level! Having a career in the fitness industry is so portable, and with Nick being in the AF I think it's crucial that I have something of my own to do, where ever we may be.
Surely you can tell I've been busy... Mom and Timi's visit was wonderful and I wish they could come back! So much has been happening, keeping me busy! I have a new project to work on and compete before Nick returns, and just in case he gets the opportunity to read this I'm not going to reveal what it is. I know he'll love it! I'll be spending the Holidays at Roni's home with her family and I couldn't be more happy to spend it with her, with the situation at hand. Her home always makes me feel so warm and welcome! I won't be decorating for Christmas, and for those of you who know me, that is a big deal! Christmas is my favorite time of the year and I have to have at least 4 tubes in the attic with house decor. I just can't bring myself to get everything out this year. I hope Nick's cycle gets interrupted and he'll be able to spend next Christmas at home. Keep praying for his safe return and my strength! I know we're down to the last few months, but the days seem to be getting increasingly harder for me.

Until next time! :)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

1/2 Way Through

Wow! I cannot believe Nick's been in country for 70 days, and gone for over 100. We're just about to the half-way mark... no way of telling for sure since we don't know his exact return date. We're hopin' and prayin' we can be each other's birthday presents!

I've been busy. I like it that way! I like being out all day and ready for bed by 8:00p.m. It keeps my mind occupied. I took my exercise certification exams the end of September, and am anxiously awaiting my results in the mail. 4-6 weeks! I thought we'd be graded on the spot, which we were for our practical exam; however the written portion was old school and reminded me of state assessments back in the day. Fill in the bubbles... it got old real quick! Anyway, because of the format the tests had to be mailed to the states, put through the grading machine and mailed back. One of the ladies here who happens to teach Spin and Body Blast (weight-lifting) has been letting me teach as little/much as I want to during her Body-Blast class. I really love it! And I am so grateful she is mentoring me! The most I've stayed in front of the class is about 10 minutes out of her 60 minute class, which is a great starting point. I'll continue to stay up there longer as I can find the beat of the music more readily.

Timi and Mom get here next week! I'm so excited, especially for Timi to be able visit another country and experience the culture. Kenzie is now wishing she could come. I wish she could too, I was just looking at pictures from when the three of them came to Florida and we were beach babes. Maybe she can come by herself in the spring, since she'll be a high school graduate!

Lucy and Zoe are doing well. I've been trying to trim them down a bit for a couple reasons. 1.) Mom and Timi are going to think they are fatties! and 2.) Zoe has her annual appt. the end of this month. Last year she weighed 24.9... they vet told me to put her on a diet! I've been trying ever since then, but it's just so hard not to give them treats all day! We'll see what the porker weighs in at this year...

Nick is changing locations sometime within the next week or so. He'll be going from doing nothing all day to being busy and doing his job all day. It's one of those things that make me happy and anxious all at the same time. I know how much he loves his job, so I'm thankful he'll actually get some down-range, hands-on experience. On the other hand, IT'S SO DANGEROUS! Geesh... I am at peace with it though. I am not one of those wives who is misinformed and doesn't know what her husband is up to. I'd rather have all the juicy, dirty, gory details so I know what we're in for. I had another tech fill me in this weekend on Nick's whereabouts, and what it boils down to is that he really needs our prayers for the remainder of this deployment. So, please pray for his safe return! :)

I took up running... It's really a love-hate relationship that I have going on with it right now. It all started because a friend of mine (who's husband is deployed with Nick) wants to run a marathon in April. I told her my body is NOT conditioned for running. Well, we started a 30 week training program a few weeks ago. It starts out very basic for the novice runner. It's hard for me, and my heart rate usually sores up to 85% of my MHR right away, but it's getting better. I love the challenge it has presented to me, and I love what it's doing for my core! I took a picture and sent it to Nick just to be sure, and he confirmed it; I have a 2-pack! I am continually working toward a rockin' hot, muscular body and am so proud to finally see a couple little ab-lets hanging out! ;) Melissa and I figure at the least, we're going to be in the best shape of our life by the time our husbands get home. That's inspiration enough for me to keep on trekkin'!

Well, that's all, I think. I am "used" to Nick being away, though I dream about him returning every day. It's one of those things I know I cannot change, so I don't bother consuming myself with the situation. I've been having fun and trying new things and really just enjoying life. I'm so excited for the next couple months, family visiting and then the holidays! Once winter hits I'm going to learn to ski and snowboard and before I know it, my baby will be holding me in arms!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Fall is in the Air!

I surprise myself every time I say this; I am so happy for fall! Normally I'm your girl who starts sporting my summer clothes in early spring in hopes the sunshine and warm weather will get here sooner. However, this year I find myself anxiously awaiting the first opportunity to pull out my nice Italian boots and slip on a pair of jeans to go out. Lucky for me, it's 72ยบ out and by the time we go out to dinner tonight for Nikita's birthday I think it will be just the perfect weather. Maybe I'm antsy this year because it only means Nick will be here sooner or my Mom and Timi's trip is in mid-fall... or simply because I am changing. I find myself noticing which trees are starting to change colors and glancing up at the peaks of the mountains in hopes of seeing the first snow-cap. Whatever the reason behind my new-found love for fall, I am so glad it's here to stay!

I meant to post sooner, but as always I'm trying to stay as busy as can be. (By the time I get home from the gym for the second time each day I'm ready to just sit down and relax... not worry about sentence fluency or typos;)!) Not that this is relevant anymore, but Nick called last week and we got to talk for 1 hour 20 minutes! It was so enjoyable! It reminded of the nights he would call me when we were still dating (it was late when he called and I was already in bed, asleep!) and we could just talk on and on about anything and everything... goals, dreams, etc. I think our record time was somewhere around 4 hours when one or both of us would be drifting off.

Anyway, that night last week was great! I say it isn't relevant anymore because he got to call again yesterday! That conversation wasn't as long, which is okay. We talked about what I did for the remainder of the week and my plans for this week. He told me about his chance to go out on a couple calls and the way he fills a mop bucket up with soap and water to wash his clothes... Keeping with his low-maintenance way of living right now, his hair is long, far too long for Air Force standards and he's enjoying not shaving. I hope he is loving this man time... I really appreciate a clean-cut man! They are expecting to receive a satellite computer to share between the 3 of them, which will be incredible! No Skyping or Facebook allowed, but regular emails are possible. Who knows when it will get there... right now there is a computer for the entire FOB to share. He has been waiting his turn and getting on a few nights out of the week, but it will be much easier to share the computer that they can take to their tent and keep for themselves. With that being said, feel free to send him emails and photos! He really loves seeing pictures/videos of what's going on with the real world. I sent him a video of myself the other night and even though the computer he was on had no sound, he loved it!

With the month already being a quarter of the way done, I need to get on my studying habit's a little better! In high school and college I enjoyed waiting until the final days to write my paper or prepare for an exam... and it never hurt me, usually always ended up with A's. However, this Primary Group Certification Exam is a big deal to me! And even though I realize how important, I can't seem to force myself to study every day when I know I need to! Ugh.. Maybe if I get away from the computer. ;)

Here are a few pictures I've chosen to upload from Saturday night's Cosmic Bowling. I treated myself to a hair color last week (which Nick loves, says he likes it better this way) and I got all "pretty" to go bowling. Not too many chances for me to get all dolled up when the only person I want to impress is out in the middle of the nowhere (quite literally!). I'm normally found in my exercise clothes...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

At Last...

Finally, Nick has made it to his home away from home for the next 158 days! They got there Monday (I believe?) and when he called me earlier this morning they were still trying to get their living quarters weighted down with sand bags and get their hands on a light. Yes, in case you didn't notice, they live in tents! He and his 2 teammates are the only Air Force guys on this Marine-ran FOB. They do not have showers... have to fill big bags up with water and let them sit in the sun all day to warm the water. Somehow they rig the bag up to the JERV and take a quick shower that way... Good thing it is an all-men "base". I don't even want to think about having to handle that. And, sticking with the no running water theme, they have holes in the ground to go to the bathroom in. If they are not eating a MRE, they get (I forgot the proper abbreviation) a MRE that is basically in bulk form for everybody to share. Starts with a U... He says sometimes they get in shipments of chicken, beef patties or steak and it's a special celebration! ;) Needless to say, I am going to be sending goodies all the time! Email me if you would like his address to send supplies to. I'm sure too much is never enough over there!

Yesterday I went and got hygiene supplies... toothbrush, soap, band aids.. just anything I thought I would want when situating into a new "home". Today I'm off to the commissary to shop for snacks and microwavable items. Yes, they have a microwave! I'm going to get popcorn for sure, and then just walk the isles to see what other kind of non-perishable (no refrigerator by the way!) meals I can find.. mac & cheese...

Also, he went out on his first call last night! He enjoyed it!

As for me, I've been up to Tabitha Kathrine Spoke! My friend Nikita was induced on Monday. I went and picked her mom up for the airport and we made it back just in time to see Nikita experiencing some hard contractions before medication... She asked for an epidural and it was smooth sailing from there! Thankfully, she let me stay in the entire time! It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life. I don't even know how to describe it... as soon as she was born I just started crying! I love her so much! She is so little and I keep getting nervous that she's so fragile, but I am also reminded that I won't break her. Needless to say, I've only gotten the opportunity to hold her once because I'm afraid of hurting her! Once they get home *hopefully this afternoon sometime* I won't be so scared. I can sit on the couch and cuddle her!! :) I am so happy we're neighbor's... It may get to the point on Nikita saying, "Get out already!!" ;)

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Nick has been in Afghanistan for nearly 3 weeks now, away from home for 6 weeks and I'm starting to adjust. At first it seemed impossible to deal with him only being able to call once a week, but I am adapting the the fact. There isn't anything I can do to change it, so I am not going to get down about it. Instead, I am going to enjoy the calls he makes while I'm home and able to answer. If I miss a call, at least I know he is okay and had the chance to call.

I recently enrolled in 2 group certification courses through AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) at our base gym. I am going to take the Primary Group Exercise Certification course and the Indoor Cycling Instructor Training course. With these two courses I can teach a spin class! I am so excited! Ever since I've discovered spinning in January I haven't been able to stop! It's truly the best cardio exercise (for me) that I've found. I love the group atmosphere, loud music and ability to work at my own pace within a class. It's challenging and I can always make it harder! At the least, I'm ecstatic to volunteer for Saturday morning classes... I won't actually take the courses until the end of September. I imagine it will be a few months still before I'm able to teach, but the idea of it is exhilarating!

Two months until Mom and Timi are here! I am excited! I need to start planning! I want to take them to stay at Camp Darby, and Army post near Pisa. From there, we can travel to Florence, Cinque Terra, Lucca... and many places along the way. I have a friend who recommended a kennel, so hopeful Lucy and Zoe will be okay for the duration of our travels! I get so nervous leaving them with anybody because Lucy is an escape artist and I don't want her to get hurt or never come back to me! She's my spoiled baby. Poor Zoe, her daddy isn't here to spoil her! I try to do my best, but everybody knows that Lucy is mine and Zoe is Nick's... It's just not the same cuddling up with Zoe. Gee, I am a terrible mother! ;)

Well, that's all for me. Nothing new, really. Just sticking to the same ole routine of going to the gym as much as possible. I'm also trying to squeeze in every last pool day we have left! They close September 7... Until next time!

Monday, August 10, 2009


I received the following email this morning... I'm pretty bummed about it. I haven't spoken to him in a week and the 2 emails (including this one) I've received are short. I was really hoping for one or the other... steady phone calls or steady internet connection (which would have been better) so we could email and skype. Looks like I'll be lucky to get phone calls... which will be tricky since I am trying to keep so busy. Anyway, he's not staying in Kandahar, so it will probably be awhile before I hear from him again. Boo.

"hey babe
im here in kandahar but there is little to no internet and its only gonna get worse the further we head downrange, probably wont be able to get on very often but i think we'll have a sat phone so i should be able to talk to ya that way.
i love you and tell everyone else i said hi and i love them too.
i'll talk to ya soon,

love nick"

Monday, August 3, 2009

Time Flies...

Wow! It's already August, and Nick and I have been apart for a month now. The time passed so quickly, and for that I am thankful! Roni and the children have been keeping me so busy and I can't thank them enough! (I love having an excuse to go to the pool... and the kids are great and making that happen! hehe!) Other than spending time with them I have been focusing on getting a stronger body. July 31st was the one year mark of my commitment to exercise and eat healthy and get back the body I had when Nick and I got married. I've lost 20 of the pounds I put on since that first year of being a wife, and now my goal is to loose 10 more pounds of fat but gain it back in muscle. I am well on my way. This is the third week I've incorporated weight training into my routine and I can already tell that I am stronger! This is such a great goal to keep my mind focused while Nick is away.

Speaking of Nick, he is currently awaiting transport to go fight the big war. Oddly enough, he and I are both excited. He's excited to get over there and work and I'm excited to hear, from him, what it's like. I know that being open with each other about our emotions whether we be scared, excited, nervous, etc. is the best way to go! And I'm sure when he actually gets there I will no longer be so excited, and more scared. And he'll probably get even more excited... Nevertheless, he's going and I think we're ready individually and as a team to get through this!

I also want to express the pride I feel! I have never felt so much pride in my entire life, not even about an accomplishment of my own! I just want to get on the news and shout to the world that my husband is off to war to fight for our great American country! He is so strong, courageous, brave and intelligent! I am so deeply proud of my hero! I hope all military wives get to experience this feeling because it is truly great!

Anyway, we're down to 187 days and counting... of course it may be more or less by 7-14 days depending on when he actually arrives and the availability of space on the planes when he's headed back. At any rate, it's good to know we have one month down and out the way!

Zoe Turns Two!

Yesterday was Zoe's second birthday! Last year Nick and I grilled a steak for her. This year we (the dogs & I) were over at Roni's so we made her a cake. Haha! It was Banana Nut Cake... stuffed with dog treats. It smelled so appetizing until the treats caught your eye! We made a large cake for Zoe and two slightly small "loafs" for Meeka and Lucy Lou.

Not the best decorating skills Roni's ever displayed...
Lucy was so jealous!
Meeka, Lucy & the Birthday Girl
She licked the frosting for awhile until she realized what was under it! Can't get it down quick enough!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lake Barcis

Zoe, Me & Lucy
Zoe didn't care for the water...

Lucy learning how to swim!

Lake Barcis up in the Italian Alps

This picture is for Nick since I was wearing my hat ;)

A random cemetery we came across while driving through the mountains

Yesterday Roni, the kids and I, took our puppies to Lake Barcis up in the mountains, about 10-15 minutes from where Roni lives. They wanted to take their new puppy to play in the water, and Lucy and Zoe have never had the opportunity to swim so we all went! The girls were so excited to be outside walking and exploring around. Of course, they had to stop at every single tree and smell past dogs who had left their markings... We finally got to a spot where we could walk the dogs down in the water. Lucy walked in no problem, Zoe didn't want leave the solid ground! Obviously, I didn't give them the chance to stay on solid ground. :) Zoe hated it so much when I threw her in the water I didn't even try again. Lucy was so cute doggy paddling though, I couldn't resist doing it a few more times! I was so proud of my little swimmer. heehee! I really wish Nick could have been there to see her swim. He would have loved it! After taking the dogs for a dip, we proceeded to drive further through the mountains just taking in the scenic views. It was so gorgeous and relaxing (well, for me that is... Roni was driving!). We stopped off at a few different spots, one of which being the town captured above with the cemetery. It was so well kept and beautiful! After spending a few hours playing around we came back to Maniago and had doner kebabs for dinner...mmmm! It was such a great way to spend the day, and a wonderful chance to get out of the house! If the rain stays away *fingers crossed* we plan on going back up to the crystal blue water and swimming around tomorrow, without the dogs. Hopefully I'll have more pictures to post!

Saturday, July 25, 2009


So, the first couple weeks of having little contact went ok. It always goes ok when he's gone for a short time. But when he goes on long TDY's, and now this, I am just ready to be able to talk to him again! I would even be happy with everyday emailing. It's just so rough desperately wanting to share something with him, or ask his opinion on this or that, and I can't right now! I've been having bad dreams lately, (Hey! He's the one who is supposed to be experiencing those with his Malaria medication!) and usually when I wake up he's right there beside me and can cuddle me up in his arms. Now I wake up with that dream on my mind all day... They are silly dreams that I know aren't true and won't ever become true, however, it is so much easier to accept that they are just dreams when he's here to reassure me. I know this is contrary to popular belief, but I just can't wait until he gets to Afghanistan so we can have some sort of communication more than once a week.

I am doing well, though. Last night I went with the Coppock's (my BFII-best friend in Italy (Roni) whose husband is also deployed and their 2 children) to pick up their brand new puppy! She's so cute and fluffy! Meeka is a golden retriever and the kids were so happy to get to bring her home! So was Roni... It was love at first sight. She was so playful! She did as good as could be expected the car ride home. She was nervous at first about meeting Lucy and Zoe, but they are going to be BFII's too so they have to get used to each other. ;) I'm excited to get back over to Roni's this afternoon and hear all about what she's done! Before that though, I'm going to Nikita's (my neighbor and first friend upon arriving to Italy) baby shower! I hope she gets a ton of stuff... Tomorrow I going to learn how to make lumpia with Roni and another friend. It is so delicious! Maybe I'll be able to save some for my mom and Timi to try when they come visit me in 89 days! Well, I think that is enough rambling for now! 196 days until Nick's birthday, and hopefully his arrival back to Italy!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Should Have Mentioned

We got the chance to talk for 25 minutes on Sunday. He said training has been hard work, and he's already lost a good 5 pounds due to sweating. He's hoping for more hands on EOD type training in the next couple weeks. He's been so tired lately, he's been crashing around 2100 hours. He asked about Crocs. :) I guess a lot of the guys use them for their shower shoes. I told him they are so comfy, even if they look a little goofy! If you don't already know, Nick is doing some training in the states for a month before heading to the desert for a six month deployment. It will be over seven months by the time we see each other again!

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

It's been almost two weeks since Nick left... What a weird feeling it is to not see him come through the door everyday just around 5:00. I'm still getting used to that. I used to plan my day around being home in time to take a shower and prepare dinner; now I don't know what to plan my day around! It certainly is strange.

The days leading up to Nick's departure were some of the hardest days of my life. Everything made me cry, from folding his laundry to answering a "How are you doing?" question. I imagined dropping him off at the airport and just losing control. Surprisingly, I did better that day and all the days thus far than the few days before he left. My strength is growing, quite rapidly I might add.

He is still safe, in training, but as the days edge closer to him actually being deployed I get more and more anxious. I have so many questions. For example, will he be able to call me more than once a week? I know many of the troops there have internet access, but will he? Are the people on his team going to make smart decisions? All of these things going through my mind that I have no control of are driving me crazy. I am able to push it to the back of my mind, most of the time. But as I read on the EOD Memorial website and the news stations, I get scared. It's my own fault, I know. I am the one feeding this information into my ever-curious mind, but I think it is important that I know what is going on over there and the possibilities of something happening to him are not unthinkable. Just this week a tech was killed in Afganistan... I have faith in my husband to make the smartest judgement calls as he knows best, it's the other people I'm worried about. This is point where I have to let go, it is all in God's hands, and has been the whole time and always will be. Whatever happens (I pray Nick will come home safe and unharmed to me in 200 days) I know happens for a reason. It will make us stronger as individuals, it will allow our marriage to grow and it will help Nick become a better EOD Tech. I am so proud of him, and all the other servicemen serving our country!